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Tuesday, 19 April 2011

It’s National Garlic Day!

19th April is national Garlic Day. Whether you love it, hate it or are waiting to be converted the health benefits of eating garlic are universally hailed. Garlic is the most widely used medicinal plant in history. Perhaps the most exciting findings on the power of garlic reported by the BBC is that it can help protect against heart disease by thinning the blood and helping to lower cholesterol. – no wonder it has been elevated to ‘Superfood’ status. Researchers are also looking at the antioxidant effects of garlic, and its anti-ageing benefits.

So celebrate this mystical bulb and take advantage of all its medicinal benefits!

Oh and did we mention that we love it, and you can find it in many of our dishes.



  1. I love garlic!! how did i not know this!! u can put garlic with anything!! im eating garlic bread as im writing this! great blog so eye catching!

  2. Thank you, Garlic is most definitely one of my favourite ingredients for cooking! Enjoy your garlic bread!
